How to use ePrescribe to easily authorize and prescribe medications

A female psychiatrist or psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) prepares to use ePrescribe to prescribe a medication to her patient

SimplePractice, a fully integrated EMR and practice management solution trusted by more than 225,000 wellness practitioners nationwide, has launched ePrescribe to simplify clinical care with a tool to prescribe medications, order refills, and check patients’ medication history—all from inside the EMR.

With ePrescribe, patient care is seamless. 

Psychiatrists, psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs), and other mental health prescribers can securely prescribe and refill medications—including controlled substances—directly from SimplePractice.

Keep prescriptions current, safe, and secure

When using ePrescribing software, you can view your patients’ medication history as well as cancel, modify, or order refills of any medications.

Two-factor authentication ensures this information stays safe when prescribing controlled substances.

Also, as an optional add-on to your plan, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) integration allows you to track controlled substance prescriptions and identify patients at risk for overdose.

How ePrescribe works

Inside the SimplePractice EMR on a patient or client’s profile, you’ll see a “Medications” tab where you can prescribe new medications and manage existing ones. 

On the patient or client’s “Medications” tab, you’ll find a section for both active and inactive medications, as well as the date and time this page was last updated. 

Screenshot of ePrescribe medications tab showing the details about prescriptions


For each active and inactive medication, you’ll find the following for each medication:

  • Name, Strength, Form
  • Dose
  • Route
  • Timing
  • Start and Stop dates
  • Additional directions, if added 

How to use ePrescribe

You can add ePrescribe to a new SimplePractice account to prescribe medications to your clients electronically. 

This feature is available as an add-on for all subscription tiers.

Before using ePrescribe to prescribe controlled substances, clinicians must register for the Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS). 

Completing EPCS registration with SimplePractice consists of:

  • Verifying your identity through identity proofing (IDP) with Experian
  • Adding tokens and creating two-factor authentication for your EPCS Dashboard
  • Completing the Logical Control Access (LAC)

IMPORTANT NOTE: ePrescribe is currently only available for migrated Luminello customers and new SimplePractice accounts created on or after 8/1/24.

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