10 Psychologist Marketing Ideas That Connect With People Looking for Help

Implement psychologist marketing strategies that are welcoming, motivational, and even more important – not spammy!
Welcome to the days where psychologists spend time marketing their practice to gain more clients. While most clinicians would prefer to let their clinical, research and even teaching experience speak for itself, it’s important to remember that your potential clients may not have access to that information. So what psychologist marketing strategies can you employ if you’re looking to build your client load without wearing a walking advertisement?
1. Social media
One of the best psychologist marketing tools is social media, because it gives you a chance to show your personality and engage with your followers. Post inspirational quotes, yoga video clips, and mindfulness recordings. Share posts from other social media users that your followers will find uplifting. One final note: make sure to keep your private and professional social media accounts separate.
2. Networking events
Do you regularly attend conferences to further your clinical skills? Use these opportunities to network as well. The American Psychological Association says, “Thinking about networking can be overwhelming for you, especially at large conferences such as APA’s Annual Convention that has 10,000 attendees. Make it easier for yourself by having small goals, such as talking to three new people and reconnecting with two others for every conference.” If local, these contacts can help with referrals. Use long-distance contacts as a mastermind group to help grow each other’s practices and discuss topics such as psychologist marketing.
3. Volunteer
Your clientele are local individuals, so one of the most important aspects of psychologist marketing is simply getting yourself seen. Volunteer yourself as a speaker to schools, community groups, and other local organizations. Most likely, they are already looking for speakers but don’t know who to ask or don’t have a budget to hire.
4. Reach out to colleagues
Your colleagues already have clients that may need your help. A marriage counselor may be seeking a referral for children in the family. If your peers don’t know that you’re actively searching to build your client base, they can’t help. Tap into your best resource: other psychologists who understand the struggle of marketing your services without appearing spammy.
5. Traditional advertising
While many psychologists may hesitate to try traditional advertising, it’s still one of the best ways to get your practice in front of your local clientele. Get your face and name in the newspaper. Put an ad in a local magazine. Sponsor charity events in your business name. The more creative you can be with traditional advertising, the better you’ll stand out from the competition.
6. Email newsletters
Create a monthly newsletter you can email to your current clients and prospects who’ve shared their email address with you. This newsletter should be simple, and easy for you to create monthly. Share motivational quotes, content from your recent blog posts or any content your list finds helpful and interesting. Remember to ask current clients if you have their permission to add them to your email newsletter.
7. Website
Do you have a business website? If not, it’s time to hire a web developer who can help you build an online presence. If so, take a moment to consider what prospective clients think of your brand. How you position yourself online will draw in new clients, so take the time to get your online “home” in order.
8. Local SEO optimization
Once your website is up and running, implement a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to capture the attention of your local prospective clients. When they Google “Your Area psychologist” (Example: Las Vegas psychologist) whose name appears in the search results? Use organic and paid SEO to prove that you’re on top of the crowd.
9. Video campaigns
Are you comfortable in front of the camera? If so, we challenge you to create video campaigns that you can share on social media, your website, and even your email campaigns. These video clips don’t have to be salesy, either. Share mantras, affirmations, motivational quotes, or mindfulness techniques.
10. Direct mailings
Want to attract people looking for help in your local area? Target them with direct mailings. The Post Office’s Every Door Direct Mail program helps businesses implement small-to-large mailings targeted to possible customers in their area. There’s no need to buy addresses or mailing lists when the U.S. Post Office can help you implement this psychologist marketing strategy quickly.
Don’t let psychologist marketing burn you out. Your clients need you to be at the top of your game. Streamline your processes by implementing a practice software like SimplePractice. Try it now today for free.
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