How Wiley Treatment Planners Save Time and Improve Care

A therapist sits down on a wicker chair with her laptop to fill out a Wiley Treatment Planner.

Wiley Treatment Planners provide a quick and easy way for therapists to create well-documented treatment plans for specific diagnoses directly inside the SimplePractice EHR software.

Using Wiley Treatment Planners saves practitioners time and provides guidance on choosing the most effective, researched-based treatment options. 

Instead of writing individual treatment plans from scratch, practitioners can pull from the Wiley Treatment Planners’ prewritten options and quickly develop evidence-based solutions for successful clinical interventions. 

Wiley Treatment Planners are seamlessly integrated into the SimplePractice practice management platform, making access and usage even easier.

Find out how to use Wiley Treatment Planners in your SimplePractice account (pictured below). 

The Wiley Treatment Planner embedded in the SimplePractice product.

You can choose from over 1,000 treatment goals, objectives, and interventions organized by commonly encountered presenting problems. It’s an intuitive way to streamline clinical documentation so you can prioritize face time with clients. 

Practitioners who use Wiley Treatment Planners explain below why they’ve found Wiley Treatment Planners are the ultimate solution for their clinical documentation needs.

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3 benefits to using the Wiley Treatment Planner 

Here are the top three benefits to using the Wiley Treatment Planner:

1. Provides evidence-based solutions

Wiley Treatment Planners ideal for therapists who want to make sure each of their treatment plans prioritizes clients.

The extensive menu of suggestions includes research-based treatment options that are customized to specific diagnoses.

Additional details are added for behaviors, goals, objectives, and interventions to create a treatment plan that’s completely tailored to each client’s individual needs. 

Therapist Jason Levin, LCSW, is a major advocate of Wiley Treatment Planners for their convenience and the benefits delivered to his clients.

“The Wiley Treatment Planners are excellent by themselves in order to give direction, articulation, and effective communication both to myself and my clients,” says Levin. “It’s not just about why we’re doing what we’re doing, but how we’re doing it in a way that’s easy to understand.”

Ira Bilofsky, LCSW, actually used Wiley Treatment Planners long before they became available as an online tool inside SimplePractice’s practice management platform. Fortunately, he’s found the transition to using Wiley on the SimplePractice EHR platform to be quite simple. 

“I used Wiley Treatment Planners in book format, then on disk format, and it was a natural progression for me to continue using it with SimplePractice,” he says. 

Bilofsky says that although he’s used many treatment planning formats over his 30-year career, he’s found that Wiley is his top choice due to the benefits for the client.

“Wiley Treatment Plans are always editable, so they can be changed to meet the demands of the patient,” he explains. “Having that document in hand, I believe, helps the patient to stay on track with treatment.”

Although the treatment plans are mostly standardized, there is plenty of room for customization and individualization.

“The verbiage is great, and if I don’t like what’s written, then I can always tweak or edit before signing off on it,” explains Levin. “The language itself is so important in case of audits, and helps articulate to the client goals that may be instinctive for the clinician.”

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2. Error-proofs documentation

When it comes to paperwork, organization and accuracy are essential.

Whether it’s to obtain reimbursements through insurance companies or because your practice is undergoing an audit by a review agency, this kind of documentation has a critical impact on the success of any private practice.

The best parts about Wiley are the drop-down menus and the speed at which you can complete an insurance-accepted treatment plan.

Fortunately, Wiley Treatment Planners with SimplePractice streamline this process to provide error-proof documentation for insurance audits and record-keeping.

Wiley uses specific Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) diagnosis codes and other paperwork must-haves to satisfy the requirements of insurance companies as well as state and federal review agencies.

Those benefits aren’t lost on Bilofsky.

“The best parts about Wiley Treatment Planners are the drop-down menus and the speed of completing an insurance-accepted treatment plan in seconds,” he says. “When I’ve used Wiley, I’ve never had a treatment plan denied by insurance.”

As for protection against audits, Levin has found Wiley Treatment Planners to be essential for protecting his practice.

“This service is irreplaceable,” he says. “Giving myself such a simple way to create treatment plans that will hold up against ever-increasing audits is invaluable.”

According to licensed psychologist Gabriel Cline, PhD, using Wiley Treatment Planners can also function as a training tool. It can help new therapists, while standardizing treatment documentation throughout the practice.

“We train counselors and needed a good structure that would help each of them learn to quickly link treatment goals and session interventions. Wiley did this for us,” Cline explains.

“For our more experienced clinicians, it improves their documentation and greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to complete their paperwork.”

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3. Saves therapists’ time

SimplePractice customers have access to over 1,000 Wiley Treatment Plans, with the list of options continually updated with the latest material. The planning tool on the platform is incredibly intuitive, which helps to save time with not only treatment planning but also billing, scheduling, and other administrative duties.

Wiley Treatment Planners have improved our documentation quality to better reflect the quality of our services and has increased the number of patients we can see due to the reduced time it takes to complete a comprehensive treatment plan.

Bilofsky notes that the speed of working with Wiley makes it possible to include the client in the planning process.

“My practice benefits from Wiley because all of my treatment plans have a consistency to them among diagnoses,” he says. “The best part is that I can build the treatment plan with the patient present because the process only takes a couple of minutes.”

For Cline, using Wiley makes it possible to help even more clients.

“Wiley Treatment Planners have improved our documentation quality to better reflect the quality of our services,” he says. “Wiley reduces the time it takes to create a comprehensive treatment plan, and that makes it possible to increase the number of patients we see.”

According to Levin, the time saved by using Wiley with SimplePractice enables his success as a therapist.

“I am able to spend literally hours less time doing the minutiae of paperwork, and that means more time with clients,” he says. “That helps me reach and work with more people, which is the priority. It also helps the bottom line, as every hour I’m working with a client is an hour of earning the money to keep the lights on. It makes a major, major difference.”

If you’ve been searching for a way to streamline your documentation requirements and offer superior treatment plans for clients, consider using Wiley Treatment Planners.

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SimplePractice makes it easy to run a fully paperless practice. Upload your client data, whether from another EHR system or from a pen-and-paper practice, and get started running your business right away. 

Save time with hundreds of custom templates for progress notes, SOAP notes, assessments, intake forms, Wiley Treatment Planners, and more.

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