
The stories redefining the health and wellness industry.

A clinician's hands type on a calculator as they determine how much money they are making in private practice

How to Feel Good About Earning Money in Private Practice

Like all helping professionals, speech-language pathologists (aka SLPs) have invested in advanced degrees and in countless continuing education courses and … Continued

A cliseup photo of the eye of a therapy client who is curious about trying EMDR therapy

EMDR Therapy

If you’ve ever wondered what’s involved in EMDR therapy, this article describes EMDR therapy—or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy.  … Continued

An illustration of a therapist working with difficult therapy clients sitting on a blue couch

Working With Difficult Therapy Clients

Maybe you recognize that feeling—that sense of dread you feel in your stomach as a particular client’s appointment is approaching. … Continued

A woman of color wonders what is mental health stigma

What Is Mental Health Stigma?

If you’re wondering about mental health stigma and seeking answers to the question “What is stigma in mental health?” this … Continued

An illustration of a therapist exploring options for out-of network insurance billing

2 Options for Out-of-Network Insurance Billing

As a therapist or counselor in private practice, you may find yourself feeling conflicted about whether you want to get … Continued

A female therapist works at her laptop computer to figure out what is practice management software and whether she needs it

What Is Practice Management Software?

If you’re in private practice, and you’ve heard someone mention practice management software, you might be wondering: “What is practice … Continued

An illustration of a female therapist sitting in a chair wondering about mental health for mental health professionals

Mental health for mental health professionals

When we think about mental health for mental health professionals, we’d be remiss if we didn’t  acknowledge the high levels … Continued

A therapist ponders what is a superbill and uses a calculator to determine the total amount to put onto the superbill for therapy and mental health services

What Is a Superbill for Therapy?

As a therapist, you may have heard a colleague talk about a “superbill” or may have had a client ask … Continued

Two female occupational psychologists talk with a businessman to answer the question about what is an occupational psychologist

What Is an Occupational Psychologist?

Have you been researching the question: “What is an occupational psychologist?” If so, this article on occupational psychologists has helpful … Continued

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