
The stories personalizing the marketing side of private practice.

A therapist and her client are face to face, in a therapy session. The therapist is utilizing a technique found in this list of therapeutic interventions.

How to get counseling clients for your new practice

Wondering how to get counseling clients for your private practice? Here are our top tips to get started marketing your … Continued

A therapist opens his laptop and puts his new found tips to reduce marketing anxiety knowledge to work.

Tips to Reduce Therapist Marketing Anxiety

One of the biggest obstacles private practitioners may experience is marketing anxiety aka anxiety about marketing their private practice.  Yes, … Continued

A client sits down on her couch and uses' her therapists EHR scheduling software to book an appointment after-hours.

EHR Scheduling Software Features and Benefits

Effective scheduling is an important part of running a successful therapy practice, and an electronic health record (EHR) scheduling software … Continued

An illustration of a therapist working at a computer wondering how to write a therapist bio

How to write a therapist bio

You’re a therapist, and you need to write your therapist bio. Your fingers anxiously hover over your keyboard, “My name … Continued

SimplePractice website that converts thumbnail

9 Tips for Creating a Therapist Website That Converts

You don’t need an intricate private practice website to effectively reach your intended niche of prospective clients.  In reality, most … Continued

an illustrated drawing of a laptop with a website on the screen.

3 Ways to Write a Better Website

Communicating with clarity and compassion is one of our greatest professional superpowers as helping professionals. That said, when it comes … Continued

A group of people are sitting together, talking and drinking coffee.

How to Market a Group Practice

Congratulations on making the leap from a solo practice to a group practice. Hiring clinicians for your group practice is … Continued

A woman wearing headphones using a microphone in front of a rainbow collage background.

How to Grow Your Private Practice Using Neighboring Audiences

As a clinician in private practice, you may not have considered getting in front of audiences and niches as a … Continued

Four people in dark scrubs stand together looking at a folder.

The 3 C’s of Business Collaboration

The phrase “collaboration over competition” has been rising in popularity in a lot of professional settings. It’s a phrase that … Continued

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