
The stories exploring self-care and mindfulness.

Silhouettes of two people are facing each other. Both are filled in with cloudy grey patterns.

How to Combat Empathetic Distress, the Shadow Side of Empathy

If you’re wondering “What is empathetic distress?” or “How does a therapist’s empathetic concern become empathetic distress?” read on for … Continued

A 4-year-old child in a red sweater gets speech delay therapy from a speech-language pathologist

What Is Speech Delay Therapy?

In this article, we’ll explain the differences between speech delay therapy and language delay, including speech delay without autism, and … Continued

Four individuals engage in group therapy activities for adults as they stare into the sun and embrace

Substance Abuse Group Counseling

Looking for information on the specific goals of substance abuse group counseling and how therapists can ensure group members receive … Continued

how to keep your private practice calendar full

How to Fill Your Calendar to Focus on the Right Things

When you start your private practice, it can feel like you have a blank calendar and only vague ideas about … Continued

A woman uses VR, which is similar to the process of prolonged exposure therapy since both involve simulating a situation you're not currently in. Prolonged exposure therapy involves reliving or recalling traumatic moments or triggers to heal.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy is a type of therapy that seeks to address the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) … Continued

A therapist and her client are face to face, in a therapy session. The therapist is utilizing a technique found in this list of therapeutic interventions.

List of Therapeutic Interventions

A key component of mental healthcare is using and being familiar with the list of therapeutic interventions that can help … Continued

Woman outdoors in nature walking in a field of yellow flowers ponders how nature affects mental health

10 Simple Therapist Mental Health Strategies in 10 Minutes or Less

For any therapist, mental health is crucial—and that includes prioritizing your own mental health and self-care. In fact, taking care … Continued

A woman sits under a tree outside, using her between-session minutes to meditate.

4 Tips for Therapists to Benefit From Time Between Sessions

It’s five minutes before your next client’s session and you still haven’t taken a sip of coffee, gone for a … Continued

A picture of an elderly couple smiling. Read this article for more on how aging affects mental health.

How Does Aging Affect Mental Health?

After losing her husband, my 71-year-old aunt’s world shrunk. Admittedly, she wasn’t in stellar physical health, but grief compounded by … Continued

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