The stories exploring self-care and mindfulness.
What Is Speech Delay Therapy?
In this article, we’ll explain the differences between speech delay therapy and language delay, including speech delay without autism, and … Continued
Substance Abuse Group Counseling
Looking for information on the specific goals of substance abuse group counseling and how therapists can ensure group members receive … Continued
Prolonged Exposure Therapy
Prolonged exposure (PE) therapy is a type of therapy that seeks to address the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) … Continued
List of Therapeutic Interventions
A key component of mental healthcare is using and being familiar with the list of therapeutic interventions that can help … Continued
10 Simple Therapist Mental Health Strategies in 10 Minutes or Less
For any therapist, mental health is crucial—and that includes prioritizing your own mental health and self-care. In fact, taking care … Continued
4 Tips for Therapists to Benefit From Time Between Sessions
It’s five minutes before your next client’s session and you still haven’t taken a sip of coffee, gone for a … Continued
How Does Aging Affect Mental Health?
After losing her husband, my 71-year-old aunt’s world shrunk. Admittedly, she wasn’t in stellar physical health, but grief compounded by … Continued
How Therapists Can Reclaim Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance, work-life integration, or work-life harmony. However you define your ideal, symbiotic relationship between work and your personal life, … Continued
Clients Who Threaten and Stalk Therapists – How to Stay Safe
The overwhelming majority of those with mental illness will never become violent. That said, it’s also true that therapists can … Continued
4 Keys to Balancing Life and Work as a Therapist
Balancing personal life and work may seem challenging for therapists running private practices, but these tips will help. Four tips … Continued