
The stories exploring self-care and mindfulness.

person caressing self alluding to affordable self-care plans

How to Create an Affordable and Sustainable Self-Care Plan

Sometimes, I feel like a bit of a hypocrite. As a psychotherapist, I spend a lot of my day encouraging … Continued

A shard of a mirror reflects the eye of a therapist with imposter syndrome as she ponders how to overcome her imposter syndrome

4 Ways Therapists Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome

If you suffer from imposter syndrome as a therapist, you’re not alone. Even therapists who have been in the business … Continued

Woman outdoors in nature walking in a field of yellow flowers ponders how nature affects mental health

How Time Outdoors in Nature Benefits Mental Health

Spending time outdoors in nature can improve our physical and mental health, research shows.  And, as it turns out, the … Continued

Two women of color who are therapists sit on the couch together and discuss mentorship

Mentorship inspired a private practice where women of color thrive

Associate clinical therapist Angelica “Angie” Curiel, ASW, and licensed psychotherapist Rose Junie Abito, LMFT, Founder of Rose Junie Therapy met … Continued

Two female therapists sit on a couch to discuss what makes a great mentor

What to look for in a therapist mentor?

Seventy-seven percent of female mental health clinicians who responded to a recent SimplePractice survey agreed mentorship programs are critical to … Continued

Two female practitioners in a mentorship relationship discuss the results of the SimplePractice mentor survey

Data suggests mentorship can benefit therapists

Survey of more than 900 mental health therapists finds a significant mentorship gap:  77% of female therapists agree mentorship programs … Continued

Two female practitioners stand side by side in an embrace, mentoring each other in SimplePractice's new mentorship program with words that say Lift Her Up

New mentorship program encourages connection among practitioners

Running a private practice can feel incredibly lonely and overwhelming.  Mental health practitioners who responded to the February 2023 SimplePractice … Continued

artistic watercolor banner of flames symbolizing professional burnout in practitioners and caregivers

How Practitioners Can Bounce Back From Burnout and Thrive

A few years ago, I was in my mid-thirties and seemed to really be hitting my stride in a lot … Continued

A watercolor image of dark clouds at sunrise.

Practicing Self-Compassion as a Therapist

As helping professionals, each day we open our ears to our clients’ stories of distress, suffering, and unsolved problems. We … Continued

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