Wiley Treatment Planners
Build evidence-based treatment plans to better serve your clients and save time.

Save time, work smarter
Choose from 1,000+ treatment goals, objectives, and interventions organized by commonly encountered presenting problems.

Error-proof your documentation
Wiley Treatment Planners stand up to insurance audits, so you'll never miss a reimbursement.

Provide effective client care
Develop fully customizable treatment plans from an extensive list of evidence-based treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We've put together commonly asked questions to give you more information about SimplePractice and the services we offer
How does SimplePractice keep my information safe?
All of your SimplePractice account information is safely stored with bank-level data encryption technologies. Read more about our security practices now.
Can I migrate my data from another system?
Yes. Our Switching Team is happy to help with data migration.
Do you have some examples of informed consent documents?
Here are a few sample consent forms collected from various online sources. These are for informational purposes only, so it is your responsibility as the provider to update the content to meet your specific states’ requirements.
Is SimplePractice HIPAA-compliant?
SimplePractice is HIPAA compliant and HITRUST certified. The HITRUST framework is the gold standard of security certifications in the healthcare industry. You can learn more about all the ways we keep customer and client data safe.
Is SimplePractice ICD-10 compliant?
Yes. We are fully compliant with the requirements put forth by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the ICD-10 mandate.
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