ICD-10-CM Codes > F30-F39 > F39
Unspecified mood [affective] disorder
Code Attributes
- Billable/Specific Code
Applicable To
- Affective psychosis NOS
Approximate Synonyms
- Affective psychosis
- Episodic mood disorder
- Mild mood disorder
- Moderate mood disorder
- Mood disorder
- Mood disorder in full remission
- Mood disorder in partial remission
- Mood disorder severe with psychosis mood incongruent
- Mood disorder, mild
- Mood disorder, moderate
- Mood disorder, partial remission
- Mood disorder, severe
- Mood disorder, severe, w psychosis, mood incongruent
- Mood disorder, severe, with psychosis
- Mood disorder, severe, with psychosis, mood congruent
- Mood disorder, severe, without psychosis
- Severe mood disorder
- Severe mood disorder with psychotic features
- Severe mood disorder with psychotic features, mood-congruent
- Severe mood disorder with psychotic features, mood-incongruent
- Severe mood disorder without psychotic features
Clinical Information
- A category of psychiatric disorders which have as their most predominant feature a disturbance in mood.
- Disorders in which the essential feature is a severe disturbance in mood (depression, anxiety, elation, and excitement) accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, gross impairment in reality testing, etc.
- Emotional behavior inappropriate for one's age or circumstances, characterized by unusual excitability, guilt, anxiety, or hostility.
- Mental disorders characterized by a disturbance in mood which is abnormally depressed or elated. Compare emotional stability or emotionally disturbed.
- Most people feel sad or irritable from time to time. They may say they're in a bad mood. A mood disorder is different. It affects a person's everyday emotional state. Nearly one in ten people aged 18 and older have mood disorders. These include
- major depressive disorder
- dysthymic disorder (a chronic, mild depression)
- bipolar disorder (also called manic depression)
- mood disorders can increase a person's risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. Treatments include medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. With treatment, most people with mood disorders can lead productive lives.
- Those disorders that have a disturbance in mood as their predominant feature.
- F39 Unspecified mood [affective] disorder
- "F39 - Unspecified mood [affective] disorder". 3M Coding And Reimbursement System. Metropolitan Community College, Kansas City, n.d., https://mcc-dental-3m.mcckc.edu/wcb?get=Diagnosis_Tabular_section_00519.html. Accessed 27 Jan 2025.
- "2025 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F39: Unspecified mood [affective] disorder". ICD10Data. ICD10Data, n.d., https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F30-F39/F39-/F39. Accessed 27 Jan 2025.
- "Mood disorder (Concept Id: C0525045) - MedGen - NCBI". National Library of Medicine - National Center For Biotechnology Information. National Institute Of Health, n.d., https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/medgen?LinkName=pubmed_medgen&from_uid=23039393. Accessed 27 Jan 2025.
- "NCI Metathesaurus". NIH - NCI Metathesaurus. National Cancer Institute, n.d., https://ncit.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI%20Metathesaurus&version=202402&code=C0001723&ns=NCI%20Metathesaurus. Accessed 27 Jan 2025.
- "NCI Metathesaurus". NIH - NCI Metathesaurus. National Cancer Institute, n.d., https://ncim.nci.nih.gov/ncimbrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI%20Metathesaurus&code=C0525045. Accessed 27 Jan 2025.
- "2025 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F39: Unspecified mood [affective] disorder". ICD10Data. ICD10Data, n.d., https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/F01-F99/F30-F39/F39-/F39. Accessed 27 Jan 2025.
- "NCI Metathesaurus". NIH - NCI Metathesaurus. National Cancer Institute, n.d., https://ncim.nci.nih.gov/ncimbrowser/pages/concept_details.jsf?type=all&dictionary=NCI%20Metathesaurus&code=C0525045&sab=OMIM. Accessed 27 Jan 2025.