State of the Mental Health Profession: Impact of COVID-19

State of the Mental Health Profession: Impact of COVID-19

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As the vaccine rollout ramps up and society starts to reopen, the need for those emotional support resources isn’t going to disappear. Anxiety and COVID-19 concerns will continue to show up in therapy rooms, and that’s turning into anxiety about returning to some form of pre-pandemic life. The intense collective grief and trauma everyone has felt over the last year will be showing up in therapy rooms for months—if not years—to come. 

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And the question that has not been asked enough through this entire experience: How are practitioners feeling? What do they think about the state of their businesses, and the industry as a whole? Who is looking after them while they look after others?

To find out, SimplePractice surveyed more than 2,400 licensed therapists, psychologists, and counselors nationwide at the beginning of 2021. In this survey, participants were asked questions about their financial concerns, their feelings about virtual care, and about themselves. 

The responses to this survey reveal that the industry has felt exhaustion, anxiety, burnout, and depression during COVID. To anyone working in mental healthcare right now, this will come as no surprise. It’s been a long and terrible year for everyone, and a lot of the data reflects that. 

But what is surprising about this data is how optimistic practitioners remain in the face of what seems like never-ending work and pervasive trauma. Participants were able to look to the future, imagining a world where things do get better—and how they could contribute to a brighter future. 

Mental health professionals across the board are tired, burnt out, and in need of care themselves. But some are bearing the brunt of the pandemic mental health needs more than others. Download this free ebook today to learn more about the state of the mental health profession, the impacts of COVID-19, and how the industry can move forward.

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