Assertive Communication Worksheets

Assertive Communication Worksheets

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therapist using assertive communication worksheets with clients

    One of the roles of a behavioral health therapist is to support individuals in enhancing their communication skills. A skilled clinician will have a range of tools to choose from that apply to the needs of each of their clients. 

    For example, communication worksheets are applicable to all ages, while assertive communication worksheets may be more helpful for teenagers and adults.

    This guide provides an overview of assertive communication worksheets that you can use in your practice, including free, downloadable communication skills worksheets for adults and communication skills worksheets for teenagers to save to your electronic health record (EHR).

    What is assertive communication and why is it important for clients?

    Assertive communication is expressing your point of view in a clear and direct way, without crossing boundaries or behaving passive aggressively. 

    It's particularly important in relationships for several reasons, such as:

    • Avoids ambiguity, by being clear and direct

    • Gives the opportunity to feel heard, even if that means sharing feedback

    • Allows a person to express their needs and feelings without dismissing others

    • Provides a framework to strengthen relationships and reduce conflict

    • Treats everyone fairly by respecting other points of view

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    Types of communication worksheets

    There are several types of communication worksheets that clinicians can use with their clients, and each depends on the element of communication the client wants to work on. 

    For example, a common complaint in romantic relationships is one person feeling like they’re taking on all the household responsibilities, while the other person feels like they aren’t good enough. In this instance, assertive communication worksheets can help reduce conflict by giving clients the opportunity to assert their needs.  

    We’ve noted a few different assertive communication worksheets below for both adults and teenagers that you can download and save in your EHR and use with clients in-session. Another option is to use these as a virtual whiteboard activity during a telehealth session with clients.

    Communication skills worksheets for adults

    Below are two examples of communication worksheets you can use with adult clients, depending on their situation.

    “I” statements assertive communication technique

    This worksheet helps adult clients enhance their assertive communication by comparing two different communication strategies. “I” statements are a direct method of expressing needs through communicating one’s feelings.

    Directions: Go through this technique with the client, illustrating the examples in the worksheet, and asking them to think of a situation in which they could practice “I” statements. Give them space to note their answers on the worksheet and offer the opportunity to roleplay or swap roles, and then provide feedback or prompts for them to answer. 

    Empathetic assertive communication worksheet

    Empathy provides the opportunity to show you care about the other person's feelings while still asserting your needs. Empathetic assertion can reduce the likelihood of a defensive or aggressive response because you’re being sensitive to the other person. Using empathy also avoids making assumptions about the other person's thoughts, feelings, or behavior, which can be a cause of conflict.

    Directions: Educate the client about this assertive communication style using the examples in the worksheet, or with client-specific examples. Then, show the key principles of empathetic assertive communication using the diagram and provide clients the opportunity to practice using this technique.

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    Clinician prompts for assertive communication worksheets

    After using the worksheets, ask clients any of the following questions:

    • How did you feel when practicing that technique?

    • What did you notice that was different?

    • When roleplaying and you pretended to be your partner, how did you feel when I used empathetic assertive communication?

    • How do you think your partner might respond?

    • It looks like you are concerned about X. Let's talk about a plan to practice this technique and circle back next week.

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    Communication skills worksheet for teenagers

    The “Passive, Assertive, Aggressive Communication” worksheet illustrates the differences between these types of communication for teens. 

    Directions: Using the worksheet, describe how the different styles of communication can cause conflict, then work through specific examples of how to use assertive communication. Offer the opportunity for roleplay and feedback.

    Download the free assertive communication worksheets above to use these techniques with clients in your practice.

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