CBT Child Anxiety Worksheets

CBT Child Anxiety Worksheets

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using CBT child anxiety worksheets

    If you’re a mental health therapist looking for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) child anxiety worksheets to help young clients enhance their coping strategies and manage their emotions, you’re in the right place. 

    In this article, we discuss how CBT child worksheets can help children with anxiety. Visual aids, like CBT child anxiety worksheets, are a great tool to provide psychoeducation about anxiety and illustrate CBT interventions to children and their caregivers. 

    This article also includes free printable anxiety worksheets for children and teens which you can save in your electronic health record (EHR) for future use.

    How CBT worksheets can help children with anxiety

    Child therapy worksheets are a great tool to illustrate CBT as a treatment for anxiety disorders

    As a therapeutic tool and visual aid, CBT child worksheets can provide a number of benefits in addition to talk therapy, such as:

    • Providing psychoeducation about anxiety

    • Helping clients identify symptoms of anxiety

    • Increasing awareness of anxiety triggers

    • Creating new behavioral, emotional, and cognitive patterns

    • Enhancing emotional regulation

    A thriving practice starts here

    Types of CBT child anxiety worksheets

    There are several types of CBT child worksheets for clinicians to choose from. 

    These worksheets provide a visual aid to support the therapeutic process and give kids something to focus on as you guide them through the worksheet. 

    We’ve included some examples below.

    “What is Anxiety?” worksheet

    This worksheet helps provide psychoeducation by:

    • Giving children an image to help them identify and describe how they are feeling in their body

    • Providing opportunities to identify thoughts and emotions connected to anxiety

    • Showing how anxiety can show up in behavior


    1. Provide psychoeducation about the key features of anxiety

    2. Move to the second page of the worksheet and ask the client to identify where in their body they experience anxiety

    3. Explore patterns of unhelpful thoughts or thought distortions

    4. Identify ways the client behaves due to anxiety

    A thriving practice starts here

    Anxiety worksheets for teens

    Many CBT child anxiety worksheets can also be useful for teenage clients. 

    You may need to adapt the worksheets slightly to fit the needs of your client, but the same concepts apply to most age groups.

    Download the CBT anxiety worksheets bundle to use in your practice with children and teenage clients. 

    “Reducing Worry” worksheet

    This worksheet helps to create perspective and reframe thoughts that may contribute to anxiety in teens.


    1. Using the blank “things I can control” image, ask the client to identify what they can and cannot control by writing inside and outside of the sphere.

    2. If the client struggles, help them think of situations involving school, grades, friends, etc.

    3. Provide the client with prompts, such as “Which area of the circle was easiest or hardest to fill in?” and “What steps can you take with the items in the ‘things I can control’ circle?”

    A thriving practice starts here

    Looking for additional CBT child worksheets or worksheets for teens? 

    SimplePractice has a range of tools to choose from depending on the age of your client and their presenting problems, including:

    How SimplePractice streamlines running your practice

    SimplePractice is HIPAA-compliant practice management software with everything you need to run your practice built into the platform—from booking and scheduling to insurance and client billing.

    If you’ve been considering switching to an EHR system, SimplePractice empowers you to streamline appointment bookings, reminders, and rescheduling and simplify the billing and coding process—so you get more time for the things that matter most to you.

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