Emotions Worksheets for Preschool Age Clients

Emotions Worksheets for Preschool Age Clients

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child working on emotions worksheets for preschool age clients

    One of the key roles of a behavioral health therapist is to support individuals to gain insight into their emotions while enhancing their coping strategies. These emotions worksheets for preschool age clients can facilitate these goals in young clients. 

    A skilled clinician will have a range of tools to choose from that are tailored to the needs and ages of their clients. For example, preschool age children may need more visual aids, like emotional management worksheets, to recognize and understand their emotions. 

    This guide provides an overview of how to use emotional management worksheets for young clients in your practice, including free downloadable emotions worksheets for preschool children to save to your electronic health record (EHR) for future use.

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    How emotional management can help preschool age clients

    Helping children navigate their emotions can give them the tools they need to solve problems, deal with challenges, and self-regulate. However, these are skills that need to be learned, modeled, and practiced. 

    One of the ways to teach these skills is through emotional management worksheets, which therapists, teachers, and parents can use.

    Emotions worksheets for preschool clients can help them with emotional management skills by:

    • Providing a visual aid to understand different emotions and their labels

    • Giving children the opportunity to discuss emotions, thoughts, and possible reasons for the emotion

    • Helping children develop coping skills, such as taking deep breaths or talking to a friend, teacher, or parent

    • Supporting children in managing their emotions

    • Modeling feeling talk, emotional management, and problem solving

    • Validating feelings without judgment

    • Building self-esteem through praise

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    Types of emotion worksheets for preschool age clients

    There are several types of emotions worksheets for preschool clients that clinicians can use in their practice. 

    These worksheets provide a visual aid to support the therapeutic process and give kids something to sustain their focus as therapists guide them through the worksheet instructions. 

    ‘Reading Faces’ worksheet

    This worksheet helps regulate emotions by:

    • Giving children an image to help them identify their emotions and describe how they are feeling

    • Providing the opportunity to validate their feelings

    • Supporting collaborative problem solving

    • Allowing clinicians to teach emotional regulation skills


    Ask the client to draw a line from the faces on one side of the sheet to the appropriate emotion on the opposite side. 

    Once they identify the emotion, ask clarifying questions (like those in the prompts below), and support them through collaborative problem solving. 

    Use this as an opportunity to teach coping skills, such as breathing, taking a moment, etc.

    Clinician prompts for emotion worksheets

    Questions you can ask clients after they identify the emotions depicted in the worksheet include:

    • What do you think X is feeling?

    • How can you tell they are feeling this way?

    • Why do you think they are feeling this way?

    • It looks like you are concerned about X and their feelings. Let's talk about a plan to help you if you ever feel worried.

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    ‘Anger as a Secondary Emotion’ worksheet

    The ‘Anger as a Secondary Emotion’ worksheet illustrates anger and provides the opportunity to discuss your client’s underlying feelings. 


    Using the Anger Iceberg image, describe to the client how anger may present as an emotion, and collaboratively discuss what else a person could be experiencing alongside anger. 

    Ask the client how they handle anger and provide any appropriate psychoeducation and emotional management skills training.

    You can download both of these emotions worksheets for preschool clients, save them to your EHR, and use them in session or as homework to teach children how to regulate their emotions.

    Other types of emotional regulation tools

    In addition to the emotions worksheets for preschool children, you can introduce other types of tools into your practice, such as self-awareness flashcards.

    Like the emotional management worksheets, these cards display characters with certain facial expressions. They can be used to play matching games. 

    When a card is matched, preschool clients can identify the emotion the character may be experiencing, perhaps practice the same expression, and talk about how they would cope with that feeling.



    Reading provides the opportunity to talk about different characters' feelings while following a story line. You can ask your clients to explain why the characters feel a certain way, describe possible outcomes of those feelings, and work through any relatable experiences. 

    Emotion thermometers

    These child anger management worksheets are designed to illustrate a range of emotions and intensity. They can be used as check-in tools, to help name emotions and demonstrate the concept of emotional regulation.

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