Parent-Child Homework Bundle for OTs

Parent-Child Homework Bundle for OTs

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Download the parent-child homework bundle for OTs

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Mother sitting on couch uses the parent-child homework bundle for ots with her daughter

    As a pediatric occupational therapist (OT) working with a variety of clients, it can be time-consuming to create new take-home pediatric occupational therapy resources and homework for each client and their parents or caregivers. 


    This is why SimplePractice has created a free occupational therapy worksheets bundle that is completely customizable. Inside this parent-child homework bundle for OTs, you’ll find that each sheet caters to different client needs, including fine motor, visual motor, and self-care activities. 


    This pediatric occupational therapy resources template bundle is perfect for any OT, whether you are looking to empower parents with new tools, or you are just starting to grow your pediatric practice and looking to offer relevant activities.

    What’s included in the pediatric OT homework sheet templates?


    With this free customizable parent-child homework bundle for OTs, you can check off activities you’d like your client to focus on, remove activities, or add some of your own. 


    Depending on your client’s needs, you can recommend fine motor activities to help improve hand strength, visual motor activities for eye-hand coordination, or self-care activities to encourage independence.


    For example, you may want a specific client to focus on visual motor skills that can improve their eye-hand coordination. Some activities in these pediatric occupational therapy resources that could help with this include cutting out shapes with scissors or writing out the alphabet.


    Activities on these templates are meant to be integrated into your client’s day, rather than something “extra” parents and caregivers need to add to their already busy schedules. 


    All activities in the parent-child homework bundle for OTs can also be completed at low or no cost—and can be fun for the whole family. 


    Remember to check in with parents and caregivers to get their feedback on pediatric occupational therapy resources  you provide, so that you can make adjustments or offer more ideas when needed. 

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